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Your Change Room Stories


None of us are alone in our change room experiences. This is a space where we can share stories and know we're not alone, we all have change room mishaps!

The Curtain Catastrophe

"It was one of those days when I needed some retail therapy. I headed to the mall, armed with a list of essentials and a determination to find the perfect pair of jeans. After scouring a few stores, I finally found a place with a great selection and headed straight to the changing rooms with a few options draped over my arm.

The room I entered was one of those with a curtain instead of a solid door. You know, the kind that's never quite wide enough to cover the whole entrance? I carefully pulled the curtain closed, but it was just a bit too short. I tried on the first pair of jeans—nope, too tight. The second pair—nope, too loose. I was working on the third pair, struggling to pull them over my hips, when I lost my balance and stumbled backward. That's when it happened. The curtain flew open, and I tumbled out, one leg in the jeans, the other exposed, like some kind of slapstick comedy act.

There was a teenage boy and his mom standing right there, waiting for another changing room to open up. The kid's eyes went wide, and his mom immediately averted her gaze, turning him around and saying something like, "Oh my, let's give her some space." I scrambled back into the changing room, yanking the curtain closed and holding it shut like my life depended on it. I didn't even bother trying on the last pair of jeans—I just threw on my own clothes and bolted out of there, hoping I wouldn't see that kid or his mom anywhere else in the mall. My shopping spree ended right then and there, with a whole new level of embarrassment I wasn't ready to handle"

Dear Brands...

Ditch the curtains, we hate them

Please let us know what body shapes you make your jeans for

The Stuck Zipper Incident

"A friend invited me to a fancy dinner party, so I went shopping to find a suitable outfit. I found this sleek little black dress with a zipper that ran all the way down the back. It was the perfect mix of classy and a little daring—just what I wanted.

I took it into the changing room to try it on. It fit perfectly, but as I was zipping it up, I felt the zipper snag. No big deal, I thought. I just tugged a little harder. The snag turned into a full-on jam. I was stuck. Like, really stuck. The zipper wouldn't go up or down, and it was stuck right in the middle of my back, making it impossible to pull off without tearing the dress or hurting myself.

I tried to stay calm, but my heart was racing. I peeked out of the changing room, but the shop assistant was busy. I considered asking the person in the next stall for help, but I was way too embarrassed to do that. I tried to wiggle my way out, but it just made the zipper more stubborn. Panic set in. I had visions of being cut out of this dress by a fire department rescue team. Not the glamorous dinner party entrance I had imagined.

Finally, I gathered up the courage to call out to the shop assistant. She came over, and I had to awkwardly explain that I was trapped in the dress. It took her a good five minutes to free me, and by the time I was out, I was mortified. I thanked her profusely and apologised about a hundred times. I couldn't make eye contact with anyone as I left the store, leaving that cursed dress behind. Safe to say, I didn’t go back to that shop for a long, long time."

Dear Brands...

Please put the zipper in an accessible spot

Trust worthy zippers pleaseee

Spill your change room stories

You will stay anonymous :)

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